The Temminck’s Courser

GoBundu will be issuing a weekly Birding Blog Post.  Each post will feature a bird that has been sighted by GoBundu on their travels around Southern Mozambique over the last 16 years, together with a link that takes you to the exact google earth location that the specific bird was sighted.  If you are a keen birder keep an eye on GoBundu Facebook page and Blog every Wednesday for specific locations on where you can spot various birdlife.

Temminck’s Courser

Click here to view the precise sighting location that GoBundu saw a Temminck’s Courser: 

Gobundu spotted Temminck’s Courser in an open grass area just off the tar road leading from the Kosi Bay border post to Maputo (click on the above google earth link to view the exact sighting spot).  This specific spot was teaming with various different kinds of Lapwings and ground running birds - very good birding spot.  Other birds seen in this same spot where:

Temmincks courser
Blacksmith Lapwing
Senegal Lapwing (Black-Winged Lapwing)

Confusion is likely only with Burchell’s Courser, from which it differs in being more grey-brown above, and having a rufous (not grey) hind crown and a black patch (not bar) on the belly.  In flight the outer tail and trailing edge of the secondaries are white, remainder of the underwing is black.

Habitat:  Dry, sparsely grassed and recently burned areas.

Status:  Locally common resident and nomad

Call:  A grating ‘keerkeer’
Happy Birding!

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